American Poetry Review

  • need
  • incline
  • grater
  • dramatic monologue as Annea Lockwood
  • dramatic monologue as Suzanne Ciani

Washington Square Review

  • Nyquist Sampling


  • dramatic monologue as Beatriz Ferreyra

Lana Turner

  • dramatic avowals as Sophie
  • keeper
  • pecha kucha
  • respawn
  • the pits

Poetry Review

  • shine
  • briny

Door Is a Jar

  • sketchy
  • martyr

Denver Quarterly

  • false pink reds translate no good wins
  • on a list of games that buddha would not play


  • Dramatic Monologue as Wendy Carlos
  • Dramatic Monologue as Pauline Oliveros

Bennington Review

  • Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • Scorpion W2
  • Ars Poetica


  • parfait

Bennington Review

  • Deportation
  • Outside Party Lines

OSU The Journal

  • is it viable to date yourself?
  • [the die-off is]

American Literary Review

  • ship in a bottle

Michigan Quarterly Review

  • [the charcoal in the]
  • [of applause]

Cortland Review

  • [is the median the ordinary now]

Prairie Schooner

  • The Brutal Imagination of a Banana

Colorado Review

  • Antimatter

Southeast Review

  • who are you
  • i am collecting


  • Capsicum Chinense

Lana Turner

  • on a list of games that buddha would not play, number 18

Image Journal

  • hyperpersonal dramatic monologue as holly herndon

The Slowdown

  • Deportation

Iowa Review

  • Dramatic Monologue as Shi Pei Pu
  • poem against the apparatus
  • disinformation tactics


  • illuminate/illucidate the

Gulf Coast

  • if neo has a belly button who’s on the other end of the umbilical cord

The Common

  • anything else would be off-brand
  • Pidgin


  • on a list of games that buddha would not play, number 8 is


  • where's her beating on this dress?

Copper Nickel

  • Matryoshka

Maine Review

  • on a list of games that buddha does not play [he abstains from robbery]

Bennington Review

  • When the Still Breathing Watch the Stillborn

Quarterly West

  • Response to a Tracklist from God Quarantining with his Ex


  • To Bear False Whiteness

South Carolina Review

  • Pyramid Scheme
  • To scare men
  • Multiple Worlds Interpretation

OSU The Journal

  • Search Engine


  • The Hindenberg Mystery

Columbia Journal

  • The sign for power

Verse Daily

  • While I'm Not a Heroic Couplet

Missouri Review

  • Quid Pro Nil

Iowa Review

  • How to say break-up in a new language or Which number favored concubine am I?


  • Bandaids didn’t make a color for me, or Thinking inside the box, or Crayon within the lines

Indiana Review

  • Buddha Discovers Reincarnation
  • Reaches Nirvana Under the Fig Tree's Heart-Shaped Leaves

Poetry Northwest

  • Fu er dai
  • Modes of Production
  • Advocacy

Missouri Review

  • Not Your Bernini's Daphne

Cortland Review

  • Who'd Rob God?
  • One Child Policy is the Party Pickup Line


  • Pineapple

Tupelo Quarterly

  • Halloween Redux


  • Nanjing 1937


  • Oregon 1945

Academy of American Poets

  • [i wear these for]

LA Review of Books

  • Go Big or Go Home


  • American Zero